Arrivederci Torino !

I had such a great time on Saturday that I decided to skip Venice carnival and returned to Turin on Sunday for the closing ceremony !
I went to the Olympic stadium early and partied with a bunch of Swedish fans, as they had just won the hockey gold medal.
I met up with the Aussies again and saw them play later in the piazza.
Again I was amazed that with the 50 000 people there to see the ceremony, there were no lines (I tell you --organization was seamless). It took me two minutes to get into the stands and find my seat that was filled with a ton of free stuff! I was in the field and we were given these white dresses to wear that they projected different colours on, we were given a catalogue, cushion, medal, masks, all sorts of things. I met an American girl that sat next to me and the two of us had a ball ! We had a huge party going on in the field during the ceremony and we had different things to do because we were part of the show.
it was a moving experience being there. I can't say I can describe it without getting a little watery-eyed. The show itself was spectacular, the carnival floats and the fireworks.. Andrea Boccelli, Laura Pausini (Italys darling), Ricky Martin, and Avril all sang, the olympians said goodbye to Turin, and the flame was burned out. It was just incredible.
I had a great day!
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