Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Turin !

Well, I made it back to Turin last weekend. It was amazing! I was still recovering from the late night painting at Dolce Zucchero, but byt he time I arrived in the Olympic village I had forgotten about being tired. There was so much going on around the city, and in the arenas and piazzas; and of course everything after the event ticket is free. I got to the stadium early where there was a big party going on before the hocket game. The live music was great and had everybody dancing. There were bands from all over. The Australian band was good and the guys were really nice.
The hockey was exciting. The fans are so wild ! haha. (compared to those at curling last week).
Pics: me and a Czech fan, the Aussie band, me with the Olympic mascots, snowball: Neve and ice cube Gliz, and the Russia vs. the Czech republic game.


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